This course begins with a journey back in time, from the origins of the Universe with the big bang to the formation of the solar system, including our home planet- Earth. We will then take a closer look at the odyssey of the Earth since its conception 4.5 billion years ago and track the geological conditions on Earth that primed the origins of life in comparison to other planets in our solar system. We will further explore how changing environmental conditions shaped the evolution of living systems over time, arriving to the present day. This is the age of the Anthropocene, an age where global change is being driven primarily by unsustainable human practice. As we learn about the Earth’s energy and finite resource capacities, we will explore and discuss the impacts of our actions on our ecosystems, including human health.
This course will combine principles of physics, chemistry, biology, instrumental analysis and geology for a holistic understanding of Earth systems in order to learn from the past, comprehend the present and influence the future of our planet.